<-future- | -past->

virtahepo sarjakuvavh2vh3vh4vh5vh6vh7vh8vh9vh10vh11vh12vh13

Virtahepo, 2013

Translation: Hippo Comic / For many days I debated with myself / many interesting and varied things, searching constantly / and anxiously / for my true self / my best good and the evils to be avoided / when suddenly ! / I don’t know, but anxiously search to find out if it was myself / or another / inside of me / or outide of me, said to me, “Now think… / Imagine you were searching for something / something which you continuously and anxiously long to know / to what would you entrust this knowledge / so that you may return to it at a later time?” / “To memory, of course”. / “Is memory sufficient to contain all that your mind considers?” / “Hardly. In fact it cannot be, / therefore it must be written.” / “But what shall you do when your health no longer allows / the work that recording all through writing demands?” / “It cannot be delegated to another, for it demands absolute solitude.” / “True.” / “Then I am wholly at a loss as to what to say.” / The End.

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